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Age Requirement

AT WAXD the safety and well-being of our clients are of utmost importance. In accordance with our commitment to maintaining a safe and welcoming environment, we have established the following policy regarding clients under the age of 18 receiving services at our establishment.


Accompaniment Requirement:

Clients under the age of 18 are required to be accompanied by a legal guardian when receiving any and all services at our salon. This policy applies to all waxing services and any other beauty treatments offered at our establishment.


Legal Guardian Responsibilities:

The legal guardian accompanying the minor client must provide written consent for the services to be performed on the minor. This consent should include a clear acknowledgment of the services to be rendered, potential risks, and any post-treatment care instructions


Verification of Age:

Our salon reserves the right to request proof of age for clients who appear to be under 18 years old. 


Safety and Liability:

This policy is in place to ensure the safety and well-being of our clients, particularly minors, during their time at our salon. Waxing and other beauty treatments involve certain risks, and we want to ensure that any potential risks are properly understood and acknowledged by the minor and their legal guardian.


Client Comfort and Education:

Our staff is dedicated to creating a comfortable and informative experience for all clients, including minors. We will take the time to explain the procedure, answer any questions, and address concerns to the best of our ability.


Procedure for Accompanied Minors:

When a minor client arrives at our salon, our staff will request that they be accompanied by a legal guardian. The legal guardian will be asked to provide written consent for the services to be performed on the minor. Proof of age may be requested, and the minor's identification will be verified. The minor and their legal guardian will have the opportunity to discuss the services, potential risks, and post-treatment care with our staff. Once consent and verification are complete, the services will be performed in accordance with our standard procedures.



In certain cases, exceptions to this policy may be made with prior approval from salon management. These exceptions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the best interests and safety of the minor client.



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